Regrettably, we find it necessary to issue this warning: Clutch Recruitment has been alerted to the existence of online scams carried out on social media platforms like Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp. Individuals are advertising job opportunities through unsolicited messages, falsely claiming to represent Clutch Recruitment.
We wish to clarify that these deceptive practices are not linked to us in any way. These scammers misuse the names of several recruitment agencies, including ours, to mislead job seekers and illegally acquire their personal data and funds.
Should you have doubts about any recent interactions purportedly involving Clutch Recruitment, we advise you to consider the following points:
A representative of Clutch Recruitment will:
- Never ask a job seeker to pay a fee for any purpose (recruitment fee, training fee, relocation fee, visa fee, etc.)
- Never ask you to own a crypto wallet.
- Never ask or mention anything about age range or gender for a specific vacancy.
- Never request ID/passport copies, bank account details, or driver’s licenses.
- Not contact you on Telegram, WhatsApp or Facebook direct message.
A representative of Clutch Recruitment will always:
- Be listed on our website under the About Clutch Recruitment page
- Be knowledgeable about the Infection Prevention profession
We urge you to exercise caution. If you are contacted and are sure that the user is indeed a fraud, block and report this user immediately on the respective platform.